Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Latest on the Injury Front

OK - so here we are 7 weeks or so post-injury and I've changed direction. I quit going to the chiropractor and moved on to the best hip guy in the area. He could not make it hurt - so he prescribed 500mg naproxen and physical therapy. I think maybe the naproxen is doing a good job as I finally begin to feel more like myself. I ran 3 miles this past Thursday and had my first PT session on Friday. They call my therapist "Jillian" after the trainer on Biggest Loser, as she is somewhat of a drill sargeant. Suffice it to say, I limped out of there on Friday - but I religiously did my exercises over the weekend and had another session yesterday.

Today I ran 4 miles! And, I'm beginning to feel like my old self. There is a presence of the injury, but no real pain. So, I think, I hope, I'm on my way back. And, none too soon - Memphis in May is only 12 days away.

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