Thursday, October 30, 2008

Oops I Did it Again

So, an update on the whole bike wreck debacle is that bruises are fading (yay!), stitches are out of my elbow and my lip is all healed with minimal scarring. Ah but, the elbow.....since it was such a deep wound the scab is about 1/4 inch thick - do you know what that feels like? It feels like something that you just need to pull off - but it is not cooperating. In fact, everytime I mess with it, it gets a little puffy and sore - and today it had some pus exuding from it. I hope I have not done irreparable damage - meaning, I hope I don't have to go to the doctor and have them inflict another source of pain.

But this is a little off-track as it relates to my title. In the true Britney Spears-sense of the phrase, I went out running this morning. It was a brisk 40 degrees and my friend and I took off trying to keep warm. About a mile into the run, I felt a twinge in the joint of my right leg. This should be a signal to me to STOP and stretch or just STOP - but do I listen to those signals - of course not. I am an IDIOT who feels like it will just work itself out. So I continue on with the run, slowing somewhat because it is beginning to hurt. Than about 2.5 miles into the run, I decide to stop and stretch because the pain is increasing - but at this point it is probably too late. I do stretch for all of about 15 seconds - don't want to keep my training buddy waiting - and continue on grimacing the final 1.5 miles.

I can tell when we have finished running that this is not a good pain. In fact, when I get home I have to limp around because the pain is so intense. I did about 5 minutes of stretching and then I took my shower and got ready for work. Then I hit the 8 hour Tylenol - aspirin combo in hopes that the pain and any swelling will diminish - no not just diminish, but go away.

So, as of now, I feel a little better, but limping is still in order. I hope this isn't anything long term and that by Saturday I can be back to my stupid painless self.

Does it sound like I'm beating myself up - that is because I am.

I have made my elbow worse because I can't be disciplined enough to leave it alone and now my hip/leg is very sore and that is because I do not listen to my body when it says it needs to stop.

There you have it.

Monday, October 13, 2008

60 Miles Short of a Century

Ah yes, can you imagine starting the day around 60 degrees knowing that it wasn't going to get above 80 and you are off on your very first century ride. Ride the Rivers - doesn't that even sound fun? You get to start at a casino, cross the Missouri River, ride through the city and a couple of college campuses (Wash U and St. Louis U), ride along the Mississippi River, cross the River into Illinois - ride along side the Alton canal, ride a couple of ferries before getting back across the Missouri and riding back to a bar to celebrate your ride.

Oh, it sounded so friends were all going.....couldn't get any better.

You know by now that there is a big BUT coming up - BUT, it will take me awhile to get there.

Start out by having difficulty with my tire pump - apparently a very key piece had fallen off the pump so air wasn't really getting into the tire. I found that piece a few days ago and didn't know what it was - but knew it looked familiar. I know I put it somewhere that I could find it because I knew it would be important - BUT (number 1), I couldn't find it. I did manage to force air into my front tire, BUT (number 2) heard something pop. Thought it was the tire BUT (number 3) it wasn't. Tried to pump the back tire and it flatted out. Maybe that was the pop? So I assumed there was a problem with the tube and got a new one. Got enough air into the tube to get it on the tire and on the wheel, BUT (number4) couldn't get the wheel back on the bike. The brake was closed too much and I couldn't get it on. My husband tried to help me with no success and I ended up yelling at him. I even yelled that I knew it wasn't his fault BUT (number 5) I was yelling anyway. I threw the bike in the back of the car and hoped someone at the ride start would be able to help me out.

One of our tri club members was there and he figured out that the brake just needed to be released at the handle and it opened right up - go figure! He got my wheel on and now I'm ready to go with everyone else. Of course, my Garmin also decided that today was not the day to work and wouldn't stay turned on - should I have read all of this as a premonition?

We got started on the ride and it was a great day. We stopped at the first rest area and proceeded onto the next stop where we were to meet up with one more friend. At one point of the ride we got on a trail that goes along the Mississippi River. I broke in my first road bike on this trail and felt soooo comfortable. A little wind at our backs, and we were cooking right along. For some reason, the ride had us exit the trail and out onto a main road. I didn't know why they did that as that trail should've taken us all the way to the 2nd stop. I'm figuring we were about 2 miles away from our next stop and were approaching a yellow light. There were three of us in a line and I was at the back. I yelled to go on through but for some reason, the lead rider hit the brakes, the second rider hit the first and I hit them both. Oh my gosh, here it comes, get ready for the impact and then BOOM! My face hit the pavement - I knew it hurt and I just laid there for a few minutes. A lot of other riders came by to assist us - bikers are really good about that and one even had a first aid kit.

When I got up, I realized that my elbow was pretty scraped up and my lip felt like it was huge. I was able to stand up and got a big bandage on my bleeding elbow. Went to look at my bike and therein lies a major problem - back wheel is pretty bent up. Joe (Rider #1) thought a semi was going to pull out into the intersection and hit his brakes which started the pileup. His bike also had a mangled back wheel but physically he was in great shape! Tori (Rider #2) had a big chunk missing out of her helmet - but thankfully, not out of her head. THANK GOD FOR HELMETS - if this doesn't make you want to wear a helmet, I don't know what would. She did have a swollen wrist (her Polar watch broke off from her wrist) and her hip was very sore.

If it wasn't for the injuries to the bikes, we would've made an attempt to continue onward - at least to the 2nd stop. Our friend waiting there is an athletic trainer and she would be very qualified to triage our injuries - but no luck with the bikes, so we were forced to get the sag wagon to take us back to our cars.

What a sad death march that was - of course we were all grateful that our injuries were minimal, but our spirits were broken and poor Joe was having emotional issues as he felt that he caused the wreck - they just don't make bandaids large enough to cover that type of injury.

Post ride injuries turned out to be a little more involved than initially thought. Tori ended up going to the ER as she could not put any weight on her leg. Luckily, xrays were negative. For myself, I had a protrusion from the wound on my elbow that looked really weird. I opted for an urgent care center and found out that was muscle hanging out. They ended up taking an xray (negative) and suturing the wound. Stitches have to stay in for 2 weeks - no swimming until that happens.

Bikes are at the local bike shop waiting to be repaired.....could've been better but could've been worse.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

On Not Being in Kona this Week

Since I never plan on doing a full ironman race (it's not a definitive "no", but it's pretty close), I will likely never make the trek to Kona during World Championship week. Of course, there's an option to go there on vacation, but I don't see dragging my husband around for a week of "hottie" hunting. Honestly, I would love to know what these folks spend on this trip and how do they afford it.

I know I've said it before, and I'll say it again, triathletes have deep pockets and a never ending source of funds. I don't understand - I have a great job and make a very good salary, but just do not have the available funds to travel cross country for races.

So, in honor of those racing in Kona on Saturday, I will depart on my own "sufferfest" - I am planning on doing my first century bike race. Am I trained for such a feat - I don't think so - but I hope to tough it out. My mantra will be that I am doing 40.6 miles less than those doing ironman that day.

I have a group of sufferers joining me - all similarly undertrained for this event. But, come on, it's an organized ride. There will be rest stops with snacks and a lunch stop. There will be two ferry crossings (places to recover) and a trip around the city of St. Louis metro area. I think it will be fun! Ask me at mile 80...with 20 miles still to go.....

All I can say is, if those guys can get through 140.6, surely I can suffer through a mere 100!