Friday, October 8, 2010

Triathletes - Selling Out?

I don't know exactly where to begin on this, but I do know that I'm upset. Last summer (2009) I did my first half-iron distance race in Racine, WI. It was memorable - not necessarily a great race, but my first HIM and I loved the distance. While trying to plan my schedule for 2010 I heard that Racine had been converted to a WTC 70.3 event. So the race that I paid $90 to race in 2009 would now cost $250 - that's huge.

When I first started down the path of triathlon about 7 years ago, it was said that you don't really need alot of money to participate in the sport. And it's true, you really don't need to spend a lot, but you see all the wonderful stuff that other people have and you want it too. If you're lucky, you save your money and you acquire some of that "stuff." That's what I want to spend my money on - triathlon gear. I don't really want to buck up a lot of money for my races.

This year I did Muncie as my HIM distance race and lo and behold the WTC has since purchased that race for 2011 - I really loved the race and wanted to do it again. But again, do I want to pay the big bucks? What do I get in return that is any different or better than what I got this year?

I have become death to popular races. I signed up for the Lewis & Clark Half Marathon this year and next year it will no longer be as it was, but will become a Rock N Roll event - with a different course. I liked the course as it was - why does it now have to become something else? Because it has become too big - so limit the number of entries - but don't sell out to a corporation.

The final straw came this week when I heard about the 5150 series where the WTC has now bought up popular Olympic distant races. What were my favorites - Memphis in May and Hyvee. Hyvee had the best schwag and a great professional atmosphere and all without the help of the WTC - but now they own the race and the race date and course are going to change. Hmmph...

So what is going to be left? Well, there are a lot of races left and although I've never done many of them - I will be looking more intently at those close to home and not too expensive. There's a really popular race here in St. Louis and registration this year filled up in a matter of hours. The cost of the race has continued to go up, the amenities have not really changed and the course keeps changing so you can't really go for a PR because the course has been different for awhile. In fact, in order to get bike mileage in they have you go into a neighborhood and come right back out, you go down a short hill on a court, make the turn and go back up the hill - it was a bit ridiculous from my perspective. I didn't pay to do the race this year - I'm drawing the line on some of this.

Are other triathletes upset about what's happening to the sport? Are they always going to up the race budget to accommodate these races or will we take a stand for the sport and say enough is enough? Hooray for the WTC for generating a very successful business but BOO to those race directors and communities that have sold us out and for what? What are they getting in return - I have no idea. Is it really worth it? Will triathletes stop paying big money for races and invest instead in the low key races? After all, what is the sport all about? For me, it's about training hard and seeing results on the race course. I don't think I need a fancy finish line to do that - do you?