Tuesday, November 27, 2007

My New Toy

I bought something for myself (which I do a lot around Christmas time). Why is it that I can't think of things to tell family to get for me, but everytime I go out shopping I find something that I want. The list is endless.

Anyway, my new toy involves water, but does not have anything to do with triathlon. Again, another oddity. My new toy is an aquarium. I decided I really enjoy watching fish. After all, they are a fairly clean pet. No paws to wipe or poop to clean up.

I've had my 5 fish and 1 snail for two weeks now and they are doing well. So, I should be adding some more fish soon. I actually really like watching them swim around - doesn't take much to entertain me.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Case for Training Buddies

In case you don't know this about me, I hate cold weather. I don't like to run when it's cold and I definitely don't like to bike when it's cold. But, living in St. Louis means that I have to either adapt or do all my winter training indoors. So today, when the temp is supposed to be 50+ degrees I make plans with a friend to go for a bike ride. It was a good plan and a good route.

My friend cancels at the last minute - however, my bike is on the rack on the car, I'm dressed to ride and on my way to the meeting point. My first thought, is great, I can turnaround and go back home - but come on, I'm dressed.

So, I set out for my ride. All of a sudden water is splashing on me and I look down. The sponge part of my tri bottle is missing. So I think that I've forgotten to put it in the bottle. I turn around and go back. I looked all around and in my car and could not find that sponge. So I take the bottle off my bike - but I don't have a spare bottle and don't want to ride without fluids.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Catching Up - Left Behind

OMG - I have not posted anything in quite some time. That means that I've either been extremely busy or extremely boring - I'm leaning more towards the boring part. At any rate, time to get back in the swing.

So today, let's discuss friendships. I just got an email from one of my friends that I haven't heard from in months. This "friend" and I trained together every Friday (well, almost every Friday) for 2 years. Then she got a new job. Her new job was with a competitor of the company that employs me. I have a high level position in the company and wondered if this would present any conflict of interest. Actually, I never really got a chance to find out, because she disappeared off the face of the earth. We were supposed to meet one Friday for a training session and she didn't show up. I called and left her a message, I emailed numerous times - no reply at all, no reply at all (to quote Phil Colllins).

What on earth is going on?! As of today, I'm not totally certain, but I'm wondering if she was told that it might be a conflict and has avoided me. But certainly, off line emails or a quick phone call as a courtesy could've explained so that I didn't feel like I'd done something wrong.

We ran into each other a couple times in passing and have been cordial - "let's get together for lunch" - which hasn't happened. Also, today's email was to inquire about an upcoming race - she's pretty sure I'll beat her as she hasn't trained in awhile - I'm not buying that at all.

Anyway, the email ends with the "let's do lunch or dinner" again. We'll see. And then, when we do finally get together do I just let it go or do I ask what in the hell happened. But, maybe I'll never be in that position....We'll see.