Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I've been on a training binge - 10 1/2 training weeks for the past few weeks. I think it's time to tone it down a little. I, however, have found a great trainer. She is so supportive and so affordable. In fact that's the name of her company - Affordable Training.

Here I am, almost falling asleep at the wheel everyday on my way into work and on my way home. That's why I think I'm overtrained. But I go to my training sessions anyway and I.get.through.them.

In fact, I push myself so hard it's incredible! I have to do these diamond pushups - and I find it hard to do them on my toes - but they are w-a-y too easy on my knees. So I opted to do half of my set on my toes but ended up doing the WHOLE thing that way.

These are things I would not do on my own. What is it about the ability to push beyond yourself for someone else - if left to my own devices, I might do a few but never an entire hour of pushing myself as hard as I can.

And, I guess, that's why triathlon works so well for me. I don't have to be talented or fast in order to push beyond myself.

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