Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The End of the Season and the Beginning of the New Plan

One of the best things about the end of the triathlon season is the expectations being set ALREADY for the next season. Two things - one, I'm so depressed to see the end of summer. I will miss the 3 hour + bike rides that I put in this year. Yes, I know, one can still bike for awhile - but once it gets below 60, I'm back inside for bike riding and there is no way to ride that long on a trainer - well, not for me anyway.

Second, I am coming off a huge HIGH based on meeting all my goals for my last "A" race. So, I'm totally stoked to keep that high going. I'm even thinking about doing an end of season local triathlon - one that I usually find too cold to do.

Enough about me, the look ahead is always so inviting and full of promise. It is so hard to contain the positive energy and find places for it to go! I love it!

The usual list of suspects - I WILL add weight training to my program. Oh yeah, and some yoga too. I WILL follow my training plans very closely so that I can be a model athlete.

Is that you? It is the litany of triathlete's New Year's resolutions. Because that's exactly it - we are looking towards a new year and a new year of possibilities and opportunities.

I hate the end of summer, but love the beginning of the planning season.

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