Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 14 - Another Kitchen Success!

A year ago or so I tried making spaghetti out of spaghetti squash. It looked really cool and appetizing. I warmed up some canned spaghetti sauce and frozen meatballs. It looked really appetizing - it ended up in the trash. We hated it.

Tonight I made my own spaghetti sauce (Whole30-style) and used organic grass fed ground beef. I had bought a 2lb package a week ago and put it in the freezer. I only needed 1lb for the sauce so I made 4 hamburgers for lunch or dinner later this week. Last night I "spaghettied" the squash and put that in the refrigerator. Tonight I made the sauce, cooked some whole wheat pasta for the husband and microwaved my spaghetti squash. We both used the sauce and it was wonderful! Had a garden salad along with this and it was a great meal. I have leftovers for another meal.

I had a very upset stomach today and I was wondering what might've been the cause. I've been eating very clean and sticking to the Whole30 program. However, I felt a cold coming on and took some Zicam Rapid Melts which likely has sugar or something like that - maybe that was the cause...

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