Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Day 8 - Turkey Meatloaf

My dinner was so good tonight - ground turkey, 1 egg, onion, shredded carrot and celery. Baked for 45 minutes in a 350 oven. I had sweet potatoes, onions and turnips sauteed in coconut oil until crispy. Loved it.

Got up and ran 4 miles this morning in the rain. We ran pretty slow today. I'm really having a problem running comfortably. I hope this improves soon. I was doing quite well for awhile and then it all fell apart.

Breakfast today was zucchini and apple/chicken sausage cooked in coconut oil, two egg muffins and some pumpkin latte. I had a banana for a snack and lunch was a salad with homemade ranch dressing and some tilapia. I poured some of the ranch dressing over the fish and that was really good. I also had a couple of protein bites and grapes.

Ended the evening with some canteloupe - probably eating too much fruit.

Pretty busy today at work and then came home and did some cleaning. I'm pretty worn out.

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